Monday, May 25, 2020
Oedipus The King A Tragic Hero And Greek Classical Order
Sophocles a tragic dramatist, priest, Athenian general, is an ancient Greek writer who’s work has survived since circa 400 BC.; Oedipus the King is one of the three plays about Oedipus, believed to be first produced in 425 B.C., five years after the plague had broken out in Athens (Kennedy 947). Sophocles’ Oedipus exemplifies Aristotle’s definition of a tragic hero and Greek classical order. As Oedipus says in the play â€Å"if you think a man can sin against his own kind and not be punished for it I say you are mad†(Kennedy 962 line 39-40). Oedipus is punished for his sins, and it is his hamartia â€â€a fatal flaw leading to the downfall of a tragic hero or heroine that leads him to his fate. Oedipus went to a shrine at Delphi seeking answers about his father, but in return got this message from the god: Full of wretchedness, dreadful, unbearable: As, that I should lie with my own mother, breed Children from whom all men would turn their eyes; And that I should be my father’s murderer. (Kennedy 968) Oedipus’ believe in the gods was so strong that he left the only life he had ever known to make sure the oracle wouldn’t come true; he set off down a new path which lead him to becoming the King of Thebes. Oedipus’ life reminds us that we cannot escape our fate. Oedipus was born to be royal, which makes him the perfect candidate to be considered a tragic hero, according to Aristotle. Oedipus has royalty in his blood; naturally born the Prince of Thebes, but sentenced toShow MoreRelatedEssay on Oedipus: The Reign of a Tragic Hero1266 Words  | 6 PagesThe time period of Greek theater’s popularity was a very influential time in our world’s history. Without knowing what Greek theater was all about, how can someone expect to truly understand a tragic play and the history it comes with? The history behind the character of Oedipus, in the play Oedipus the King, is very complicated. His intricate past dealing with prophecies, family members, and murder is the main focus of the story. There are many characteristics that complete Aristotle’s definitionRead MoreEssay on King Oedipus as The Classical Greek Tragic Hero1360 Words  | 6 PagesKing Oedipus as The Classical Greek Tragic Hero In his Poetics, Aristotle defined the term tragedy as a man not preeminently virtuous and just, whose misfortune, however, is brought upon him not by vice or depravity, but by some error in judgement the change in the heros fortune must not be from misery to happiness, but on the contrary, from happiness to misery. From this definition, he further expanded it by defining the profile of the Classical Greek tragic hero, basing it on what heRead MoreOpedipus, a tragic hero Essay example1708 Words  | 7 PagesOutline Thesis Statement: Oedipus is the embodiment of Aristotle’s characterization of a tragic hero through his ability to preserve his virtue and wisdom, despite his flaws and predicament. Introduction I. Sophocles’ Oedipus: A Tragic Hero A. Definition of a tragic hero B. Oedipus Character as it relates II. Tragedy A. Language of Tragedy B. Tragedy as it affects the audience III. Plot A. Aristotle’s idea of a tragic plot B. Significance of the plot IV. Virtue and Morality Read MoreOld Tragedy Versus New Tragedy1386 Words  | 6 Pagesdisaster occurs. Aristotle believes â€Å"the objective of tragedy is in bringing the audience (or the reader) to a certain state, alternately designated as either katharsis or pleasure†(, n.d.). One or more characters can be involved in a tragic story. There are usually five stages that go into fully developing the tragedy within a story. The first stage is the exposition which explains how accomplished the person is and how great of life they live. The second stage is the conflict, whichRead More Comparing A Dolls House and Oedipus Rex Essay1672 Words  | 7 PagesComparing A Dolls House and Oedipus Rex Ibsens drama A Dolls House, serves as an example of the kind of issue-based drama that distinguishes Ibsen from many of his contemporaries. The plays dialogue is not poetic, but very naturalistic, and the characters are recognizable people. Given the sense of modernity which the play possesses it seems unusual to compare it to a Greek tragedy produced more than two-thousand years previously. On closer examination however, thereRead MoreOedipus The King, A Tragic Hero Story Of Fate1495 Words  | 6 Pages OEDIPUS THE KING, A TRAGIC HERO STORY OF FATE Pamela A. Long L26269572 ENGL 102 Professor Givens March 2, 2015 Turabian Sophocles is one of the great ancient Greek tragedians in the history of drama. In the play â€Å"Oedipus the King,†Oedipus is an excellent example of fate happening to a tragic hero. In addition, this play has all the elements of tragedy; human weakness, powerless, suffering, and one not having control of his own destiny. As a result, â€Å"Oedipus the King†is theRead More Reflective essays1316 Words  | 6 Pagesfor innumerable classical and modern plays. 3.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Along with giving us the six elements of a tragedy, Aristotle also gives us four parts that should be included in a tragic hero. Sophocles’ character Oedipus is considered to be the classic example of a tragic hero. This is attributed to the fact that Oedipus clearly demonstrates all four of the characteristics that make up the tragic hero as defined by Aristotle. According to Aristotle, the tragic hero must be a goodRead More Oedipus the King: A Tragic Hero Essay2117 Words  | 9 Pages to experience devastating losses. While tragic instances can be avoided, there are other instances where one’s fate and future is out of the protagonist’s control. In Oedipus the King, written by Sophocles and first performed around 249 BC, Oedipus cannot escape his destiny and even though he tries to overcome and circumvent prophecy, he finds out that supernatural forces will get what they want in the end. Oedipus meets the criteria of a tragic hero set forth by Aristotle and his fate withinRead MoreTragic Heroes in Greek Myth2055 Words  | 9 PagesTragic Greek dramas featured tragic heroes, mortals who suffered incredible †¨losses as a result of an inescapable fate or bad decisions. According to Aristotle, a tragic hero is a character, usually of high birth, which is pre-eminently great, meaning they are not perfect, and whose dow nfall is brought about†¨ by a tragic weakness or error in judgment. The three Greek heroes Oedipus, Medea and Agamemnon, who each killed a member of their family, carry most of the qualities that make up a tragic hero:Read MoreQuest For Literary Form : The Greeks Believed That The Tragedy1742 Words  | 7 PagesQuest for literary form The Greeks believed that the tragedy was the greatest form of drama, and Aristotle’s concept of tragedy followed this belief. In the modern times, there has been a change in this view with various authors abandoning the classical form to follow more liberal forms of literacy. (Kennedy Gioia, Pp. 1203) Aristotle s Concept of Tragedy The analysis of Aristotle on tragedy formed the guideline for later poets in the Western civilization
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Life In A Temperate Grassland
As much as one-fifth of the Earths surface is covered in wild grasses in biomes known, aptly, as grasslands. These biomes are characterized by the plants that grow there, but they also attract a unique array of animals into their realm. Savannas and Grasslands: Whats the difference? Both are dominated by grass and few trees as well as hooved animals that can run fast from predators, so whats the difference between a grassland and a savanna? Essentially a savanna is one type of grassland found in tropical regions. It generally gets more moisture and therefore has a few more trees than grasslands in the rest of the world. The other type of grassland - known more simply as a temperate grassland - experiences seasonal changes throughout the year that bring hot summers and cold winters. Temperate grasslands receive just enough moisture to support the growth of grasses, flowers, and herbs, but not much else. This article will focus on the plants, animals, and regions of the worlds temperate grassland biomes. Where in the World Are Grasslands Found? Temperate grasslands are characterized by their hot summers, cold winters, and very rich soils. They can be found throughout North America - from Canadas prairies to the plains of the midwestern United States. They are also found in other parts of the world, albeit they are known here under different names. In South America, grasslands are called pampas, in Hungary they are called pusztas, whereas in Eurasia they are known as steppes. Temperate grasslands found in South Africa are called veldts. Plants in the Grassland: More than just grass! As you might expect, grasses are the predominant plant species growing in grasslands. Grasses, such as barley, buffalo grass, pampas grass, purple needlegrass, foxtail, rye grass, wild oats, and wheat are the main plants that grow in these ecosystems. The amount of annual rainfall affects the height of the grasses that grow in temperate grasslands, with taller grasses growing in wetter areas. But thats all there is to these rich and fertile ecosystems. Flowers, such as sunflowers, goldenrods, clover, wild indigos, asters, and blazing stars make their home among those grasses, as do several species of herbs. Precipitation in grassland biomes is often high enough to support grasses and a few small trees, but for the most part trees are rare. Fires and erratic climate generally prevent trees and forests from taking over. With so much of a grass growth occurring underground or low to the ground, they are able to survive and recover from fires more quickly than shrubs and trees. Also, the soils in grasslands, while fertile, are typically thin and dry, making it difficult for trees to survive. Temperate Grassland Animals There are not many places for prey animals to hide from predators in grasslands. Unlike savannas, where there is a large diversity of animals present, temperate grasslands are generally dominated by just a few species of herbivores such as bison, rabbits, deer, antelope, gophers, prairie dogs,and antelopes. Since there are not many places to hide in all of that grass, some grassland species - such as mice, prairie dogs, and gophers have adapted by digging burrows to hide from predators such as coyotes and foxes. Birds such as eagles, hawks, and owls also find lots of easy prey in grasslands. Spiders and insects, namely grasshoppers, butterflies, crickets, and dung beetles are in abundance in temperate grasslands as are several snake species. Threats to Grasslands The primary threat faces by grassland ecosystems is the destruction of their habitat for agricultural use. Thanks to their rich soils, temperate grasslands are frequently converted to farm land. Agricultural crops, such as corn, wheat, and other grains grow well in grassland soils and climate. And domestic animals, such as sheep and cattle, love to graze there. But this destroys the delicate balance of the ecosystem and removes the habitat for the animals and other plants that call the temperate grasslands their home. Finding land to grow crops and support farm animals is important, but so are grasslands, and the plants and animals that live there.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Personal Narrative I Run And Run - 1197 Words
Kidnapped I run and run. All I can here is the snap of tree branches, dogs barking who I can’t tell if they’re chasing me or just off in the distances, and the rocks rolling down the cliff next to me hoping that I’m not next to role down. As I keep running I feel my body slow down I became grow weaker every second. As I slow down I think to myself I have to keep running I need to get out of there I can’t stand it anymore. Just escape and get out of the awful place. Many things happened to lead up to this point. I don’t like to look back on these awful times anymore. I’m finally getting over it and getting those thoughts out of my head, but i think it will be good to get them out and make my voice heard. It all start on warm,†¦show more content†¦I stand up and start heading to the bathroom. He stops me and asks, â€Å"Where do you think your going?†I explain, â€Å"I have to use the bathroom.†He hesitates for a second and says, â€Å"Alright make it quick.†I hurry off as I get into the bathroom there s a window. At this moment I decide to climb out and get out so I can know where I am to get the police to help all the other girls. I get out and hear the kidnapper yelling for me and that s when I began to run. I run fast and faster every second. This is when i realize I will soon become weak and not be able to keep running. I hear off in the distance loud crunching of the leaves and twigs braking. I run hard and fast trying not to trip over the twigs in my path. I dodge most of them, but I hit the front of my foot off the front of a huge root and i twist my ankle. As i scramble to my feet it s too late he has me again†¦ He starts yelling at me, but it’s in spanish i have no idea what he is saying. I got one sentence he was saying and it was. â€Å"No te atrevas a hacer eso nuevamente tà º.†When I was free I looked it up and it means don’t you dare do that again you re mine. He was telling me that I was now his property and I will now always be. He brought me back to the hotel and wouldn’t let me out of his eyesight he was to afraid I would try to escape again and try to get away, and he wasn t wrong†¦ I would. â€Å"Can I go to the bathroom?†, I askShow MoreRelatedPersonal Narrative : I And Run1871 Words  | 8 PagesI and run. All I can hear is the snap of tree branches, dogs barking who I can’t tell if they’re chasing me or just off in the distances, and the rocks rolling down the cliff next to me hoping that I’m not next to roll down. As I keep running I feel my body slow down I became grow weaker every second. As I slow down I think to myself, I have to keep running I need to get out of there I can’t stand it anymore. Just escape and get out of the awful place. Many things happened to lead up to thisRead MorePersonal Narrative : I And Run1872 Words  | 8 PagesKidnapped I and run. All I can hear is the snap of tree branches, dogs barking who I can’t tell if they’re chasing me or just off in the distances, and the rocks rolling down the cliff next to me hoping that I’m not next to roll down. As I keep running I feel my body slow down I became grow weaker every second. As I slow down I think to myself, I have to keep running I need to get out of there I can’t stand it anymore. Just escape and get out of the awful place. Many things happened to lead upRead MoreRun Lola Run by Tom Tykwer888 Words  | 4 PagesRun Lola Run by Tom Tykwer is a stunning film incorporating an array of distinctively visual features. Distinctively visual texts are designed to manipulate the way we explore the images we see and affects the way we make interpretations of the experiences we encounter in the world. 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It’s about who never left your side, stood up for you, and believed in you.†- Adrian Brody. Not only does your family help you throughout your life, but they always believe, encourage, and support you regardless, even in difficult times. In The Light in the Forest, Mary Jemison’s personal narrative, and from my personal experience, there are many situations when your family never leaves your sideRead MoreAnalysis Of Scribner s Article, Scribner756 Words  | 4 Pagesand personal narrative. The whole class was thrown for a curve ball when we were assigned Knoblauch for our first assignment. After rereading the material a few times, I began to understand what Knoblauch was trying to convey to us. His argument states that there isn’t a definite definition of literacy. He breaks literacy into four different categories. Functional literacy, critical literacy, liberal literacy and cultural literacy. Out of all the categories, I connected to literacy as personal growthRead MoreStructure of Personal Narrative797 Words  | 4 PagesCLRC Writing Center Structure of a Personal Narrative Essay â€Å"Narrative†is a term more commonly known as â€Å"story.†Narratives written for college or personal narratives, tell a story, usually to some point, to illustrate some truth or insight. Following are some tools to help you structure your personal narrative, breaking it down into parts. The â€Å"Hook†Start your paper with a statement about your story that catches the reader’s attention, for example: a relevant quotation, question, factRead MorePersonal Writing : Personal Reflection740 Words  | 3 PagesDuring the course of this semester, I wrote several essays, several of them being for English 111. The four primary essays I wrote for the course were on: the importance of truth, the time I almost died from an allergic reaction, a review of one of my favorite films, and a revision of the truth essay. In addition to my essays, I learned a lot from the peer reviews that the professor implemented as well. In writing the the first two essays, I found many improvements in my writing styles as a studentRead MoreAnalysis Of Two Documentaries Essay examples838 Words  | 4 PagesAnalysis Of Two Documentaries I will be analysing two very different types of documentary, Dogtown and the Z-Boys, which takes the role of being a full length movie type documentary, and Teenage Transsexuals which was recently shown on Channel 4. Dogtown and the Z-Boys is a documentary which takes a look at the transformation of surfing into skateboarding. The film follows the evolution of skating through its heyday in the 70s, to its decline in the 80sRead MoreDistinctive Visuals in Run Lola Run Essay1190 Words  | 5 PagesGerman film, ‘Run Lola Run’ written and directed by Tom Tykwer, focuses on the experiences of the protagonist Lola to explore the themes of the inevitable force of time, and the issue of freewill verses determinism. Similarly, Dorothea Mackellar, in her poem ‘My Country’, relies on her experiences of the Australian landscape to convey her love and passion for the country using the language of the distinctive visual. The distinctively visual techniques employed by Tykwer in Run Lola Run, function
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Edo Period free essay sample
There are many internal factors that helped bring about the collapse of the Tokugawa Shogunate.The collapse of the Edo period started to become obvious in the early 1800s. Failure of many crops and unreasonably high taxation caused hardship for many people living in shogunate Japan. As a result of this, many people went extremely hungry. Lots of farmers were forced to sell their land so that they could make some money, but because of this, they had to become tenant farmers. The taxes for the poorer people started to increase rapidly and this was the cause of many riots/uprisings. The Shimabara Rebellion was one of the uprisings. Peasants were largely involved in this uprising, most of them being Christians. The uprising got so bad that an army of 100,000 troops was unable to stop them. An estimate 37,000 rebels were beheaded by shogunate forces. This marked the end of the rebellion. We will write a custom essay sample on Edo Period or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This rebellion lasted from December 17th, 1838 April 15th, 1638.The price of rice became so high because of crop failure that so many people had extremely little to eat as they could not afford enough food. The samurai and daimyo classes also suffered as they fell into debts that they were unable to repay. The Bakufu did not help the situation for the poorer people but instead cancelled the debts owed by the samurai and daimyos. The Bakufu also abolished most of the merchants and craftspeople and forced all peasants from the cities back to the countryside to become farmers. The shoguns also decided that they wanted to isolate Japan from the rest of the world, only allowing few Dutch ships to trade there.The high taxes, crop failure and attempt to isolate to Japan from the rest of the world all hugely impacted the collapse of shogunate Japan.
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